Moist and unstable conditions have characterized the past week. Showers and isolated thunderstorms will continue to affect the northern areas of the country. Winds shift regularly from the East to North East and at 15 - 20 mph at midday. None of this affected our anglers, who landed an amazing FOUR Grand Slams this week. Bonefish numbers increasing to 223 + for the week, Permit and migrating Tarpon are being caught on average of 2 to 3 per day .
Good numbers of Bonefish (110+) were landed averaging 2/3 lbs larger bones 3/5 lbs in the lagoons.
Twenty three for the week.
Nineteen this week.
Grand Slam by James C. courtesy of Capt Roger, Grand Slam by Steve C. Courtesy of Capt Jeo, Grand Slam by Derek L.t courtesy of Capt. Jeo and Grand Slam by Don F. courtesy of Capt. Nestor