We rang in the New Year with some rainy weather, but that didn’t stop our guides and anglers from getting out on the water and landing fish. Despite the showers, the guides worked hard to put anglers on plenty of fish throughout the week. Anglers successfully landed Bonefish, Permit, and Tarpon, and one lucky angler even achieved a Grand Slam! To round out the week, there were also great catches of Snappers, Jacks, and Barracuda.
Excellent action for Bonefish. 190 bones were landed for the week, most were in the 2-4 pound range.
Permit action was rated as good. Anglers landed 3 Permit for the week.
Fair action on Tarpon. with anglers landing 7 Tarpon for the week.
Anglers also caught some Snappers, Jacks & Barracuda.
One Grand Slam this week.