Fishing Report

August 11, 2024


August 18, 2024

Report Details

We had very low winds during the week and beautiful sunny days. With the wind going 5 to 15 kts direction was east-northeast. The sea state was choppy
Air Temp:
Moon Phase:
Full Moon Aug 19, Last Quarter Aug 26, 2024
Sunrise / Sunset:
Sunrise 5:36 am Sunset: 6:15 pm

Week In Review

We had a wonderful week here at the lodge with our guest catching so many fishes. A few of our anglers were getting double grand slams through their days of fishing. There were a lot of permits and tarpon around this past week. A lucky few of our anglers were able to land the Migrator tarpons, & jump a bunch of them. As always, many bonefish were landed throughout the week, and anglers were also able to catch snappers, jacks’ barracuda, etc.….

What Guests were Catching


Excellent fishing for Bones with 250 bones  landed for the week, most were in the 2-4 pound range.


Rated as excellent. Anglers landed 14 Permit for the week.


Also excellent fishing for Tarpon. Anglers landed 15 Tarpon for the week.

Other Species

One Snook, some Barracuda, Jacks, and Snapper as well.

Grand Slams

Eleven grand slams. Truly epic!

Flies That Worked

Christmas Island Specials and Crazy Charlie's
Christmas Island Special, Squimp, and Crazy Charlie's
Tarpon Toad, Black Death, and Tarpon Bunnies